How To Make A Spear In The Forest [click to continue…]
Survival Tools
How Do You Make Rope Out Of Grass
How To Make Grass Rope [Improved Method] [click to continue…]
DIY Fan Mesh Mosquito Trap
Mosquito Trap DIY 8,000 Mosquito Kill Reduce Zika Dengue Malaria MaxxAir Fan CO2 [click to continue…]
DIY Mosquito Trap Brown Sugar Yeast
DIY Mosquito Trap That Actually Works [click to continue…]
Monjolo Water Powered Hammer
Water powered hammer (Monjolo): [click to continue…]
Best Way To Breathe Underwater
5 Ways To Breathe Underwater: [click to continue…]
How To Make A Survival Torch
Survival – Emergency Tree Resin Torch: [click to continue…]
Plastic Bottle Survival Hacks
Plastic Bottle: 16 Hacks for Survival… [click to continue…]
DIY Solar Powered Air Conditioner Keeps You Cool In Summer
I PERSONALLY love the heat, but… One thing you need to be careful of when it’s hot outside: Make sure… [click to continue…]
HOW TO Make A Hunting Knife From Scratch Using A Stainless Steel Bolt
I ONCE READ that: The most powerful martial artists are able to take common, everyday items they find hanging around…… [click to continue…]